Zhou Dynasty

Chinese Medicine was characterized by 4 methods of diagnostic: visual, auditory, voice and tactile. And the diseases were treated with healing herbs, acupuncture and surgical autopsies.

Qin Dynasty

During the Qin periods in China, the first Chinese medical book appears – “Huangdi Neijing”, in which all the theory of Chinese medicine was systematically presented. This book is the earliest work on Chinese medicine, which has been preserved to this day, this book became the basis of all the Chinese medicine till nowadays.

Han Dynasty

Chinese surgery reached a very high level, and used acupuncture to help perform surgical operations as the anesthetics.

Jin Dynasty

during the reign of the kingdom of Wei, method of pulse treatment received a noticeable development. Witch today has a name of 24 types of pulses.

Tang Dynasty

The works “Thousand Golden Important Recipes“ was another important book that give us knowledge of all the healing herbs and mixes - phytotherapy.

Song Dynasty

An important shift in the study of was observed in the study of medicine. The active points in acupuncture and moxibustion were much more specific and concrete. This had a great influence on the development of acupuncture in the following years.

Modern times

European medicine began to enter in China during the Ming dynasty. At that time, some representatives of Chinese medicine began to advocate for the “combination of Chinese medicine with European medicine”. They became the forerunners of the combination of Chinese medicine with European.